Friday, February 12, 2010


Today was a good day at sea. It started with quarters, where our senior chief told us that we ought to watch football all day. For a sailor, it doesn’t get much better than that. I appreciated that as well, because, regardless of all the Navy Knowledge Online “training” that we had to accomplish, I was able to do quite a few things. Actually, the NKO ordeal took up a good part of my morning, but I was able to get some e-mails out and accomplish a few separate, work related items.

I really need to start turning and burning on my nutrition course. I want to knock that out ASAP. But I did get some good training done for our ESWS program. I trained about 20 people in the ways of deck department fundamentals. I also got a good workout in. I also need to take some time out for my STA21 package. I’ll find out soon enough.

We are scheduled to pull in to Guam soon. Hopefully I can pick up a few more things I need. Then we’ll be on station ready to fulfill our mission.

I missed talking to Liz today. I think I’ll get a phone card for the sailor phone here soon. Hopefully I’ll have a better chance to talk to her tomorrow. I really want to express to her how I feel about our relationship and what all has transpired through the years. I hope she knows that I love her fully and I am and always have been committed to her success and happiness.

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